Are you worried about your pet tipping the scales over the recommended weight limit? Or is your loyal companion not up to the minimum healthy weight? Our veterinarians can help you with the right solutions. From building a nutrition plan to physical therapy, we will guide you and your pet through this journey. To know more about our weight management solutions or to book your next appointment, call us at 902-562-5551.
What is the ideal weight for cats?
Ideal weight is determined based on breed and age. It can also differ based on lifestyle. Indoor cats differ from outdoor cats in many ways, and such considerations need to be weighed upon while answering this question. Our veterinarians can help you determine and understand the ideal weight for your loyal companion when you visit the hospital.
How do I know if my dog is overweight?
Some signs that can indicate weight issues include difficulty in walking or climbing, limited movement, difficulty or changes in jumping, change in sitting position, frequent exhaustion and reduced activity. If you notice any of these signs, don’t hesitate to bring your pet to the hospital, and our veterinarian can evaluate and suggest a treatment plan.
Does obesity affect immunity levels in dogs and cats?
Yes, obesity can lead to a compromised immune system, which means that your pet can be more prone to health issues and diseases. Obese pets have an increased risk of developing liver diseases, hypertension and cancer. Obesity can also compromise their active lifestyle.